
The 2nd priority needs according to the MAAUAR method of priority setting include which of the following?

  • A


  • B


  • C

    Understanding level

  • D


Correct Response: D

One of the 2nd priority needs according to the MAAUAR method of priority setting is risks.

The ABCs / MAAUAR method of priority setting places the ABCs, again, as the highest and greatest priorities which are then followed with the 2nd and 3rd priority level needs of the MAAUAR method of priority setting.

The 2nd priority needs according to the MAAUAR method of priority setting after the ABCs include M-A-A-U-A-R which stands for:

Mental status changes and alterations
Acute pain
Acute urinary elimination concerns
Unaddressed and untreated problems that require immediate priority attention
Abnormal laboratory and other diagnostic data that are outside of normal limits and
Risks including those relating to a healthcare problem like safety, skin breakdown, infection and other medical conditions
The 3rd level priorities include all concerns and problems that are NOT covered under the 2nd level priority needs and the ABCs. For example, increased levels of self care abilities and skills and enhanced knowledge of a medical condition are considered 2nd level priority needs.