
Your 87 year old client has a history of heart disease and fibromyalgia. This client has an internal pacemaker and is also a diabetic client. During your annual visit with this client, the client tells you that they would like to begin some alternative and homeopathic health care practices. What should you include in your teaching plan for this client?

  • A

    Information about the lack of scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of all herbs.

  • B

    Data to support the fact that magnets can be effective in terms of fibromyalgia pain, and as such, may be a good choice for this client.

  • C

    Research that suggests that prayer is an effective alternative method to relieve pain and stress that can be helpful to this client.

  • D

    Information that contraindicates the use of biofeedback because this alternative, complementary health practice can interfere with the client’s pacemaker functioning.

Correct Response: C

Scientific data now indicates that prayer is effective for the relief of stress, anxiety and pain, and as such, may be helpful to this client.

Some herbs, minerals and supplements are scientifically deemed as safe and effective and others are not scientifically effective and they can also lead to harm; at the current time, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that magnets are not scientifically effective and they are also not considered safe for clients with a pacemaker or insulin pump because these internally implanted devices can be adversely affected by the magnetic force of the magnet; and, lastly, biofeedback does not interfere with the client’s pacemaker functioning.