What steps would you take if you had sustained a needlestick injury?
Ask for advice from the emergency department, report to occupational health and fill in an incident form.
Gently make the wound bleed, place under running water and wash thoroughly with soap and water. Complete an incident form and inform your manager. Co-operate with any action to test yourself or the patient for infection with a bloodborne virus but do not obtain blood or consent for testing from the patient yourself; this should be done by someone not involved in the incident.
Take blood from patient and self for Hep B screening and take samples and form to Bacteriology. Call your union representative for support. Make an appointment with your GP for a sickness certificate to take time off until the wound site has healed so you dont contaminate any other patients.
Wash the wound with soap and water. Cover any wound with a waterproof dressing to prevent entry of any other foreign material
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