You have been asked to give Mrs Patel her mid day oral metronidazole. You have never met her before. What do you need to check on the drug chart before you administerit?
Her name and address, the date of the prescription and dose.
Her name, date of birth, the ward, consultant, the dose and route, and that it is due at 12.00.
Her name, date of birth, hospital number, if she has any known allergies, the prescription for metronidazole: dose, route, time, date and that it is signed by the doctor, and when it was last given
Her name and address, date of birth, name of ward and consultant, if she has any known allergies specifically to penicillin, that prescription is for metronidazole: dose, route, time, date and that it is signed by the doctor, and when it was last given and who gave it so you can check with them how she reacted.
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