Nurses, nursing students, CNAs, sometimes you only need that extra laugh to urge you thru a horrible shift. Take 2 minutes to flip through 30 + Hilarious nursing memes that help you survive at shift memes and hopefully, we will offer you enough energy to end up charting and calculating those. Enjoy!
Whether you’re in your first semester of clinical or are a nurse for years, there are some truths that just can’t be explained with words.
#1. Will Continue to Monitor
#2. Be Nice to me!
#3. I can’t do this if you’re watching me.
#4. Fun Charting.
#5. Me explaining what happened during the night shift.
#6. Fake it till you make it.
#7. Yup, we started it.
#8. Asystole Sheet
#9. You said your almost done an hour ago…

#10. Reporting to day shift be like…

#11. When your life has ended and still no meds

#12. Stories you love.

#13. I can do this, I can do this…

#14. Tube Feed

#15. The elusive 0.01%

#16. Self Respect..

#17. Creative Foreign Student.

#18. Modern Heroes, PPE version

#19. I am So Confident.

#20. Workaholic.

#21. Patience on Patient.

#22. I love Daisy.

#23. You will be kicked out..

#24. Barley even a person.
#25. We all had this pleasure.

#26. Let’s Go home.

#27. Thank you for your dedication.

#28. ICU vs ER.

#29. Me being a Terminator.

#30. See you Tomorow.

#31. Maggots!

#32. The Cause of Death!

#33. Great Relief!

nursing memes Photos Credit Funny Nurses.
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