NMC registration for overseas nurses 2021

NMC registration for overseas nurses

Let me guide you through NMC registration for overseas nurses 2021 part one of your NMC application process so let’s begin.

How to create NMC online account?

go to the NMC UK site then first click on registration and joining the registrar.

you will have two options here register as a nurse or Midwife and register as a nursing associate please click on the register as a Nurse or Midwife.

You will see three options

  1. trained in the UK
  2. Trained in the EU/EEA
  3. Trained Outside the EU/EEA

please select trained outside the EU for overseas nurses.

ok if you are starting a new application you need to select the option for ‘application started after Monday 7 October 2019’

on the next page there is an option for a pre-application checklist which is not compulsory so let’s move ahead to the next page.


Here we are going to go straight to the beginning section that’s step 2 ‘complete eligibility and qualification’ and begin your application

Start application alright click on next, Here we have two options.

  1. I want to register as a nurse
  2. I want to register as a midwife

if you are trained as a nurse please choose I want to register as a nurse and when you click on that you are asked to provide the field you would like to apply for so we have four options if you have done your BSC or Diploma in adult nursing please choose registered nurse adult if you want to apply for any of the other options any other categories you need to have complete you have need to have at least of three years qualification under the particular area for example if you are choosing to register as a mental health nurse you need to have at least three years qualification under mental health.

so I’m going with nurse adult our same case with this ‘I want to register as a midwife’ that is if you have if you want to register as a midwife you need to be trained as a Midwife.

I’m gonna give the declaration I have read and understood the application information yes okay

I’ve not been issued with the NMC pin in the UK as a nurse clicks on I am NOT select next okay.

On the next page select the country of your nationality And the country you trained in when you click on next you will be asked to confirm with all the details that you entered are correct just check whether the details are correct and click on I understand and move on to the next page.

here we are going to sign up for an NMC online one more thing to note is that the applications need to be filled by the candidate itself not by anyone else and the application assessment fee or once you once paid will not be refunded even if you are not eligible so here’s the step 1

Please register with your personal email address if you’re already registered once and it is available in their system you will receive a message below this box saying an Associated account already exists for that email address if that occurs please do not continue with the application contact an NMC via email and ask them to delete that email address from their system once that has been done you may proceed to register again.

also, make sure that once the details of the personal details that you are filling in here are the same as in your passport.

just go through and see if all the details that you’ve given a correct and as per your passport and then click on I’ve understood and accepted and NMC website down some conditions.

Select next on the next page give a password for your application give a password that is easy for you to remember so confirm the password and once you click on submit you will receive a link in your email address to verify your account if you do not find the link in your inbox please check your spam folders as well. and an important point to be noted is that you must not click on the link more than once doing so will disable the link so make sure you click on the link just once and also note that the link in your email will expire after 24 hours so you need to do this as soon as possible.

once you have activated they activated your account login using your registered email address and password when you log in you’re asked three security questions please make sure that to remember the answers that you give here.

NMC Online Dashboard

so, this is a page where we are going to begin the first stage of your application any of the pending steps our sections will be given as outstanding or in preparation once it has been verified the status will change to verify it on the top we can find the NMC PRN a number allocated to a candidate if for any reason you need to contact NMC you would need to provide this number

on the right side, we can see an option to update your details your personal details so one thing to note here is if you need to required update the NMC portal with your current address or phone number as and when it is changed make sure that the address is updating it always as it is a legal responsibility and also once you reach UK please do update the portal with your UK address.

Equality and Diversity

alright on this page you are asked if you haven’t if you have caring responsibilities kindly note that it is not asked whether you are providing care or support for your kids or parents caring responsibilities falls only for kids under 18 or older persons about the age of 65 who have a physical or mental disability who are under your care and not in any service from outside in your case the answer should always be none because if you do have a caring responsibility you will not be able to travel to the UK.


if do you have a disability if you have a disability you must disclose it at this point at the otherwise select ‘no’ so when you click on ‘yes’ you will need to specify the disability and provide you may need to provide further proof.


what is your ethnic group and you can add there’s also an option saying prefer not to say see so you can also click on that if you do not wish to disclose your ethnicity


what is your gender, again there’s an option to prefer not to say you can even select that gender identity do it. does your gender identity match your sex ratio at birth or within six if the answer is anything different please do disclose it or you can also choose to prefer noticing?

National identity

since you’re an overseas nurse select others race religion and belief your religion give your religion again prefer not to say is also an option

Sexual orientation

bisexual gay or lesbian heterosexual or straight others you can give whatever is applicable for you and click on next.

Passport and Personal Details

this is the place this is the page where you have to give your personal details and upload your passport so please fill in your personal details same as in your passport and upload the copy of the passport

we have to upload a copy of the passport also one other thing that here is an important point to note any document that to upload on the portal should be in PNG jpg or PDF format and it should be no bigger than 5 MB and once you have done that click on next.


on this page, you are asked to provide the qualification that you have gained here you are asked to give the basic nursing qualification that you gained after your secondary education if you have a degree or diploma or a master’s in nursing you must input the basic qualification NMC’s requirement is that you have you must have a minimum three years qualification in nursing for example if you have done your diploma and then you’ve done a master’s in nursing you need to give your diploma details here the reason is your postgraduate course is not a qualification but an additional qualification so the qualification that NMC is asking for is either your diploma in nursing or degree nursing all other qualifications that you might have is additional qualifications.

you have to upload your degree certificate over here the same instruction you can only upload the document in PNG jpg or PDF format no more than no bigger than 5 MB upload your degree certificate okay once it has been uploaded it will be shown here.

and next please confirm the name your qualification versus a it was awarded in this is an important part please right here you need to give the name mentioned on your degree certificate if it is in a different name please give please give the option as other

when you click on next or when you give other and click on next you will be asked to give details of the change in name for example if you are married and your surname on your passport is your husband’s name and the surname on your degree certificate is your father’s name then you would need to choose other on the previous page and on this page you give name as per the degree certificate and give the reason for the change in your name so if my name was if my name on the degree certificate is different then and I’m going to state my reason as other or anything any of the reasons over here I’m giving you da and you would need to provide a document that supports the change in your name for example a birth certificate a marriage certificate or self declaration stating the reason for this changeon the next page.

Professional regulator

it is asked if you’ve currently registered in your country or state of training so we can see here if you’re trained in a country which comprises of states we are only interested in the state in which your qualification led to initial registration we don’t need to know about any subsequent registrations you have claimed for this stage of the process so you can only register with NMC if you are registered with your home country you will not be able to raise up because NMC will not be able to confirm your qualification if you have not been rested in your home country so what NMC is asking for is NMC requires only the details of your initial registration that is your parent registration for example in India if you studied in Kerala and you worked in other different states please use your initial registration that is your Kerala registration even if it has been expired

which professional regulator where you where are you registered if you are an Indian you must select the state nursing Council you are a studied in initially for example none of the other countries have more than one nursing council except India.

choose a profession you are of were registered in nurse give your registration number here the initial registration date it’s a date that will be on your initial registration certificate. And upload your registration certificate

once that has been done again if there is any change in your name in the registration certificate other than the ones shown here you may select another and provide the proof for the change like we did before.

So, in part one of the NMC application process, there are only three sections to complete that is your

  1. Passport details,
  2. Qualification details and your
  3. Registration details

you can even go back and check if the details you entered are correct and if and edit the details are required once you have checked tick the three confirmation boxes and click on next.


next is the payment for NMC registration for overseas nurses. please note that the evaluation fee of 140GBP is non-refundable.

so next, let’s go to the payment gateway you can make the payment using your debit or credit card.

once you’ve given the details please click on yes I confirm the payment you once you have done the payment NMC takes up to 14 to 35 days to assess your application and what you need to do is after 14 days you need to get in touch with your college and the nursing council or you gave the details off and let them know that NMC will send a verification email to them to verify the information that you provided you have to you need to let them know that they will receive an email with the link which will redirect them to another NMC website where they would need to fill certain information and submit the same okay and you need to contact them and if the council is asking for an additional payment or a document you will need to pay that directly in order for them to complete your verification.

Also, please wait until two weeks that is 14 days to contact them once your details have been verified you will receive an email confirming that your initial application has been approved and that you may proceed to book your CBT which is what we call the approval letter it will be followed by two emails from Pearson VUE containing the username and password for the Pearson VUE site where you will be able to book your CBT.

if there is any issue in the details that you provided for the initial application NMC will contact you via email and you can contact NMC directly and fix the issue yourself.

I hope this article NMC registration for overseas nurses was helpful for you and please check our other blog on UK nurse registration for detailed  information regarding registration, Documents needed, English language requirements, and many more

thank you have a good day.




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