5 basics nurses prayer – know what the nurses prayer is


5 basics nurses prayer

Being a nurse is more than just work. It is a call. This is truly a healing service. The nurse becomes the face and hand of Christ to their patients and families who are sick and dying. Today we respect nurses’ work in the health care sector, and we pray for their blessings to those they serve and for us who serve them.

In the following reading “nurses prayer” , Paul explained to Thessalonians selfless love and hard work on display by everyone who would spread the gospel. Calls to serve to involve something special, which we must pay attention to—serving means caring for their vulnerabilities and caring for our vulnerable family, society, and people.

They are faces that suffer, fragile and downcast that Jesus tells us specifically to see and what he asks for us to love. People from meat and blood, people with individual lives and stories, and all their weaknesses that Jesus asked us to protect care for and serve. Being a Christian requires promoting the dignity of our brothers and sisters, fighting for it, living for it. The service is never ideological because we do not present ideas.

We serve people. “Loving God, we pray for nurses and everyone who serves sick people, dying and all who need care. May they be witnesses of the recovery of Christ. May we follow many examples of their competence and affection? Grant nurses the force and courage to face challenges every day and remain loyal at their service ministry. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Efficacy of Prayer

We have to guard by taking a fatalistic view of nurses prayer . We cannot allow ourselves to dismiss the prayer of our lives just because it might not seem to have pragmatic value. We must be involved in prayer earnestly, just because God himself commands us to do it. Even the glance reading of the Bible, especially the New Testament, reveals a profound emphasis on prayer, petition, and intercessor.

It is unavoidable that prayer is an expected activity for God’s people. Furthermore, our own Lord is the highest model for us in everything, and he prays with great priority in his life. We all knew that the Apostle Peter bravely stated that he would never betray Jesus, that he was ready to go to prison and even die for his Lord.

But instead of praising Peter for his determination, Jesus rebuked him and said, “Sure, I say to you that tonight, before the crow’s crow handle, you will deny me three times” (Matt. 26:34). Luke’s account adds interesting details for this exchange.

Jesus said: “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked you, that he can air it as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to me, strengthens your brothers “(Luke 22: 31-32). Jesus warned Peter that the “filtering” period came in his life, that Satan would attack him. But Jesus was convinced that Peter would change from his sin and return to Jesus. How can Jesus be able to confirm it? Well, he had prayed for Peter that Peter’s faith would not be shaken.

Jesus is right – Peter will indeed return to Jesus, and he does many things to strengthen the brothers. Jesus’ prayer for Peter is effective. Not only do we see the influential prayer of Jesus changed in this world, but we also see the prayers of the workers who work. In the early days of the church, Peter was thrown into jail, but believers gathered for intense prayer seasons in his name. They pour out their hearts before God, begging God, somehow overcoming the difficulties of the situation and securing Peter’s exemption.

You know what happened: while they were involved in this intense prayer, there was a knock on the door. They don’t want to be disturbed from their prayer time, so they send servants to the door. When he went to the door and asked who knocked, Peter replied, and the waiter recognized his voice. Very happy, he left the closed door and ran to tell the others that Peter was outside.

The disciples refused to believe it until they opened the door and saw Peter himself standing there. The answer to answering the prayer of his people conveyed Peter from prison with the help of an angel, but when he appeared at home where believers were collected, people who had prayed seriously because of his liberation fear and were surprised that God truly answers prayer.

Why should a Nurse Pray?

Nurses prayer can be useful for nurses and patients; Both may find comfort in prayer. Prayer can also help patients and their families adjust emotionally to their disease or life events and support patients’ spiritual health. Some want to pray now, and other people might want nurses to keep them in their prayers.

It reflects the meaning and purpose of prayer carefully in clinical settings before being involved in prayer with patients. This article discusses prayer ethics with patients concerning patients and integrity for nurses. Five guidelines are offered to help nurses in their ethical decisions about prayer with patients.

When should a nurse Pray with a Patient?

When was it alright to pray with a patient? I felt it was time to explore this problem when I received this letter from a recent graduate who wrote to the scrub about the issue of prayer.

“I have a very painful patient who wants to pray with me, but I feel strange to participate in prayer, especially because some of my colleagues are present. I don’t want to offend anyone who might not have the same religious beliefs or even religious at all.” Nevertheless, praying with the patient should be done following the move of the Holy Spirit.

Tips for praying with your Patients

  • The most important thing is to clarify what will be the most beneficial for patients, then what you think. This is a good practice again – assume nothing.
  • Ask the patient immediately you want to pray for patients, and let the patient speak his prayers too.
  • Having a conversation about patient confidence – Ask where he saw God in the current crisis.
  • Ask about the images of God which are most beneficial for patients today. Is it a good shepherd? The Holy Spirit? The most merciful God? The answer might surprise you.

Implications of Prayer

Although evidence of empirical studies remains inconclusive because of many factors, the literature provides some evidence that prayer helps patients and has a profitable health effect.

If nurse has a clear understanding of the benefits of prayer as a spiritual practice, they will feel more comfortable using prayer with their patients. Strang (2011) declares a nurse who offers prayer to patients is a valid expression of professional nursing care, as a professional desire to offer nurses “the highest care standards” are often invited to the life of the patient’s most private and intimate, providing them with opportunities to recognize and overcome spiritual needs (Hollywell & Walker, 2009).

Prayer patients involve several levels of joint religious experience and/or spiritual and mutual willingness to invite the experience into patient-practitioners (Balboni et al., 2011). This involves supporting patient trust, praying with patients if prompted, and referring to the spiritual needs of pastoral care that require addressing.

Because prayer requires careful respect for patient needs, hopes and trust, prayer should not be done without previous spiritual history or patient spiritual needs assessment.

Prayer in Practice

Given the breadth of cultural and ethnic diversity in the United States, nurses need to recognize various perceptions of prayer practices in various cultures and subcultures. Prayers for patients may be natural practices in hospital settings in several non-Western countries.

At the 2012 Korean American Mission Health Conference in New York, a plenary speaker Dr. Lee, a Korean surgeon, shared that he always prayed for/with patients before surgery. He noted that all patients, including Buddhist monks or atheists, received his prayers before their operations. He also prescribed the reading of the scriptures for patients during their recovery period in hospitals and nursing orders, including spiritual care (e.g., prayer) together with other medical orders.

In a 1-year follow-up survey, he found that a large number of patients in the hospital had begun to attend a church. When listening to the report, I asked myself, “Is this practice possible in the United States?” The plenary speaker at the conference is the president director of the Christian Hospital (the literal name is the “Gospel” hospital); Therefore, patients know they will be accepted at a Christian hospital and anticipate receiving Christian style spiritual care during hospitalization.

Testimony Dr. Lee might be an extreme case. Because I have not lived in Korea for two decades, I have no current information about prayer practices in other hospitals in Korea. However, I assume that the practice of prayer among nurses in the United States is discouraged by being able to overcome the rights and autonomous patients and focus on the separation of churches and countries.

Basic nurses prayer

Prayer for God’s healing graceLord, when I care about those who suffer, I pray that my actions will create a difference to grow to heal, my words to push and calm a soft body and tired mind. In my hand, give me your healing grace. God is loved. Let your immeasurable love shine through everything I do. So those who suffer may feel your divine grace.

Prayers for compassion and wisdom

Oh Lord, Let me be a source of power for everyone under my care and family. His blessing with knowledge, skills, and understanding so that I can provide the best care to my patients. God, help me comfort them. Let me be a reflection of your love. And when I started feeling tired, be there for me. Help me remember my calling so I can continue to serve others.

Prayer for resilience

My God and my father, I thank you for giving me the courage and resilience to assist people in their day. To contribute to my community and my country, to help overcome this challenge, be at the forefront with your grace. Bless me with wisdom and strength as I continue to care for the sick, despite the fear, despite the fatigue. My faith is firm as I fulfill my duty every day with your guidance and love.

Plea to Heal and Inspire

Oh Lord, as the threat of the crisis is challenging the way we live, I pray that I can bring comfort to the sick and help them fight this terrible disease. Show me how to embed expectations while providing my patients with the best care to the best of my ability. Give me strength and energy so that I can continue to serve those who need me. I pray in Jesus’s name.

Nurses Prayer during Hard Times

Dear Almighty Father, help me to perform my duties as a nurse with courage and compassion. During the period of uncertainty, it allows me to have an unbreakable spirit to do my job with the ability so that I can help save lives. Now more than before, I need your light to guide me in this trial, the light that I will convey to those who lose hope. Let me have the power to work more so that I can do more for others. Strengthen my body, mind, and soul so that my patient can lean on me for healing and support that we ask in our Savior’s name, Jesus Christ.


Prayer is a common practice among most of the population. And many consider prayers important to their health. Given the old historical tradition where prayer is embedded in nursing (O’Brien, 2003), and the prevalence of prayer among the population, the relevance of prayer for patients is likely to be quite high.

When nurses understand the importance of their patient’s prayer practices, they will achieve professional growth as spiritual care providers (Dijoseph & Cavendish, 2005). O’Brien (2003) stated, “Only through prayer that nurses will truly carry out the ministry of healing that combines the gift of humility, peace, service, and safety.” Lastly, as medical practitioners (Nurse), it is important to know the efficacies of prayer, pray as a nurse, pray with/for your patient, and do the will of God.

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