
Why is it essential to humidify oxygen used during respiratory therapy?


You are currently on placement in the emergency department (ED). A 55 year old city worker is bluelighted into the ED having had a cardiorespiratory … Read more


When using nasal cannulae, the maximum oxygen flow rate that should be used is 6 litres/min. Why?


You are caring for a patient with a history of COAD who is requiring 70% humidified oxygen via a facemask. You are monitoring his response … Read more


What isthe best way to avoid a haematoma forming when undertaking venepuncture?


What action would you take if a specimen had a biohazard sticker on it?


Prior to sending a patient home on oxygen, healthcare providers must ensure the patient and family understand the dangers of smoking in an oxygen-rich environment. … Read more


Which of the following is NOT a cause of Type 1 (hypoxaemic) respiratory failure?


In a fully saturated haemoglobin molecule, responsible for carrying oxygen to the body’s tissues, how many of its haem sites are bound with oxygen?


Which of the following can a patient not have if they have a pacemaker in situ?

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